schrieb am 17. Sep 24, 08:49
Awesome article! I totally agree with your points on EX4 and the benefits of transition them into MQ4.
Having .MQ4 format, you obtain full access to edit the source code, making it much easier for people working on MetaTrader strategies.
From my experience, I’ve transitioned several EX4 files to .MQ4 in the past, and it’s certainly made a huge difference in how I fine-tune my trading strategies. For those who are thinking about doing this, it’s worth it! Having access to the editable source code lets you customize it exactly the way you want.
Appreciate for posting this, definitely valuable! Looking forward to more insights from your blog. Best of luck!"
schrieb am 17. Sep 24, 07:37
Zufaellig bin ich auf eurem Portal gelandet und muss feststellen, dass mir diese vom Design und den Informationen richtig gut gefaelt.